Much more than a rolodex, AltiSuite's CRM centralizes all customer related information such as page visits, product views, search terms, purchases and other interactions into one place.

Automated CRM

From first visit to repeat orders, AltiSuite captures and reports what products customers search for, view, add to their cart, order, etc. so you can have a deeper understanding of your customers' needs while they are on their own, browsing your website and placing orders. As they shop, they are automatically segmented into "interests", to assist your marketing efforts. 

Centralized Customer Information

AltiSuite's CRM centralizes all customer related information into one area to make it easy to find everything you want to know about a customer. It combines automated information with manually entered information. 

Sales Rep Portal

Sales Reps have a role-based login, where they can create and manage quotes, sales orders from any mobile device. The CRM will only show their customers, and will allow them to manage and nurture leads into customers.